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7.3: Repeat Bindings
Each Repeat may require a number of XPaths, depending on the options that are set within the Repeat Details section.
Page Display Bindings
Repeating Data Location - This binding is always required. This sets the context for the repeat, i.e. what elements are being repeated over, which is usually a parent element (container) to the data values used below. Sort element within Repeating Data Location - If Element Sorting has been selected, this XPath must point to the element that should be sorted against. These settings can be found on the Properties Tab Element Sorting Section, when the Sort contained elements? is ticked. Sort Order Value - If the sort order is set to dynamic, this XPath will be used to determine the ordering. At runtime, this must evaluate to ascending or descending. As above, this XPath will be disabled if default sorting is enabled. These settings can be found on the Properties Tab Element Sorting Section, when the Sort Order is set to dynamic. Sort Data-type Value - If the sort data-type is set to dynamic this XPath is required. At runtime, this must evaluate to text or number. With default sorting, this field will be disabled, similar to the above. These settings can be found on the Properties Tab Element Sorting Section, when the Sort Data-type is set to dynamic. Alternate Row Style If - If the alternate row styling option is set to dynamic, this XPath is used to determine whether alternating row styling should be used for this repeat. This XPath will be evaluated to true or false to make this determination. Alternate Column Style If - If the alternate column styling option is set to dynamic, this XPath is used to determine whether alternating column styling should be used for this repeat. This XPath will be evaluated to true or false to make this distinction.
Action Submission Bindings
Repeat Submission Binding - This option sets the context point for repeats in the data submitted from pages. This binding is only required for repeats that contain editable fields (e.g. text boxes)
Group Bindings Advanced Binding Modes